View Profile KirbyfanNeox
Kirbyfan [k3r.bi.fæn] n., fan of Kirby, from the English "Kirby fan"

Age 30, Male


a high school


Joined on 10/4/08

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KirbyfanNeox's News

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - January 9th, 2010

Where I live, it is currently... 12:07 AM, Central Time Zone. I was just recently playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. I had spotted Birdo and bought the Platinum Card. My grandpa and my mom are listening to Santana. Black Magic Woman is playing as I type this. A few minutes ago, Mom was continuously pestering me to dance with her. Now it's 12:10 AM. Anyway, I complied for a minute or two, using such moves as the Lazy Robot, the Wave, and the Squat (which I'm pretty sure I made up, as I don't know whether or not somebody else came up with it before me.) Black Magic Woman just ended. Now it's 12:12 AM. You're probably wondering why I'm making this post. To tell you the truth, I'm not too sure why myself. It's a new year, so I guess I didn't/don't think I should still leave my Christmas post up. Now it's a quarter past midnight. I can't figure out for the life of me as to why I'm still typing. Is this what being stoned out of my mind feels like? I wouldn't know. Yesterday (up until 17 minutes ago) would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday had he not died on the toilet. Was that too soon? Heh heh. Speaking of it now being Saturday, I wish the CW4Kids still had Kirby: Right Back At 'Ya! as part of it's Saturday morning lineup. Now it's 12:21 AM. Am I the only one who thinks Kirbopher should make Season Four of TTA? I highly doubt it, but you can never be too sure, right? You know what other website you should visit? Cracked.com, that's what. I highly recommend episodes of Cracked TV by Michael Swaim, creator of
S. ome
W. icked
A. wesome
I. nternet
M. ovies.
The most recent one is the Six Creepiest Videos Aimed at Children. Should I stop typing now? I don't know why, but I Don't Wanna Stop. Wow. Three links in one post. You know what? I think I'll stop now.


Did I ever tell you that bugs seem to love me? I seem to be one of those people who give off a scent that attracts bugs more so than other people. I don't really mind, as I like to scratch the bug bites. It's 12:32 AM...

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - December 19th, 2009

It's the holiday season, and Santa Claus has got a toy for every good girl and good little boy. Santa's a great big bundle of joy, when he's-
But, wait. That's not what Christmas is all about, is it? Linus couldn't have put it any better when he quoted from the Bible (chapter 2 of the Book of Luke to be exact):
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
There's just one thing, however. Those of you who believe Jesus Christ was born on December the twenty-fifth are fools. Fools, I say, FOOLS!
The Church decided that Jesus's birthdate would be Dec. 25, the same day on which a pagan holiday/celebration was observed.
"What pagan holiday, Papa KirbyfanNeox?"
...Happy Decemberween, everybody!

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - October 31st, 2009

Allow me to reveal the fruits of my harvest:
Hershey's bars,
Three Musketeers,
Milky Ways,
A bag of Snyder's pretzels,
I think a small Rice Krispies Treat,
Reese's peanut butter cups,
Milk Duds,
Tootsie Rolls,
Peanut M&Ms (which I gave to my mom as I hate nuts),
Almond Joys (gave them to my mom as well),
and these "Chewy Atomic FireBalls"- they taste like Red Hots.

In addition, I went as Domo-kun. Next year, I plan on going as Sagat from Street Fighter, although I not too long ago got the idea of dressing up as Santa Claus and saying I'm "a few major holidays too early".

Happy Halloween!

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - September 27th, 2009

I don't know where I am.
It's dark, and I can hear laughing.
I think the walls are closing in on me.

...I'm scared.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - July 4th, 2009

Today you probably woke up thinking, "I can't wait to watch (insert name of Saturday morning cartoon)!!!". But then you realized, "It's Independence Day, that's right."

On this day 223 years ago, we (the 13 colonies in particular) were in a war with Britain that was started over taxes. (What else is new?) Several men had met to discuss these things, and on this day (redundant, I know) they adopted a declaration of our independence from Britain, and we became a country. (Believe it or not, it was signed two days earlier!)

I was going to end this post kind of like this:

"They wanted this day to be celebrated with parades and such. These days, we have barbecues, watch baseball games (depending on where you live), and shoot potentially dangerous explosives that result in pretty lights.

The Founding Fathers would be proud."

But looking up Independence Day on Wikipedia (my choice as a primary source of research (anyone who thinks Wikipedia is entirely unreliable can suck it)), I found out that the day before, John Adams had sent a letter to his wife, Abigail. Here is an excerpt:

"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."

How about THAT?

Happy Fourth of July, everybody.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - May 29th, 2009

OK, so it's my first day of summer vacation (free at last), right? So I come for my daily experience points, you know? So I click on It's A Nice Day Today, and I see it. It... was horrible... my interwebz life was turned upside down again. You see, this isn't the first time a website I have an account on has changed on me to my displeasure. First, Roblox replaced the ability to search for levels with the ability to search for users (and later changing the server or whatever so that a separate window appears when I try to visit a level... and the level never loads). Then, YouTube changed the videos to WIDESCREEEEEEEEEN. THEN, Kongregate changed its chat interface. And now THIS!!! WTF, man!? I mean, I got used to those (with the exception of Roblox, as I left disgruntled due to my inability to play), and I'll probably get used to this. Nevertheless, I'm not much of a fan of changes to the internet that I can't believe in. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play Super Smash Brothers Brawl, which is one of the best games ever (the others including Wii Music and Ape Escape 3). But first, some mourning like they did in ancient Egyptian times: ROY! OH, ROY! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO REPLACE YOU? YOU WERE MY FAVORITE! I MEAN, IKE IS COOL, BUT THEY COULD HAVE LUIGIFIED YOU! WHYYY?!?!?! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Posted by KirbyfanNeox - March 25th, 2009

As you may or may not know, Kirbopher is leaving Newgrounds for bigger and better things once he's finished with the Parody Rangers Movie. So I thought, "He deserves a send-off--something HUGE." That's where WE come in. Ericho's the first guy I let in on this, but I want YOU in on it, too! It's the ToTTAlly Super Freakin' Awesome Kirbopher Farewell Bash! If you are a Parody Rangers fan, TTA fan, or fan of the works of Chris Niosi (spell?) (aka Kirbopher) in general, and want to show him your appreciation in a way OTHER than leaving glowing reviews on his flashes/glowing comments on his news posts, this is for YOU! I left Ericho in charge of rounding up Newgrounders like LegendaryFrog (is there a space?), but if others want to join, contact ME! What you do is make and submit Kirbopher-related fan flashes with the preloader showing Kirbopher driving the Newgrounds Tank (so I know it's for this). Also, if there's anyone out there who knows how to get new collections/series made, please let me know. It's part of MY contribution to the Bash... because I can't use Flash... dead fire leaves ash...

P.S. !!!!!!!

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - December 23rd, 2008

I'm not really much of a Mega Man fan. I mean, I got a NetNavi electronic toy one Christmas, and a Buzz Lightyear-sized X action figure another. I've got a slim grasp on the series, unless reading the entire Bob and George sprite comic series doesn't count, in which case never mind. But when Capcom released Rockman 9 for WiiWare, I decided that a ninth wasn't enough. In honor of that decision, my next few news posts will be rants involving non-classic Mega Man series, as the subject implies. I'm starting with the Mega Man X series. It takes place several years after the original series. X, a robot created by Dr. Light (I think), was the first robot to think for itself. Bass, Dr. Wily's robot creation, ransacked Dr. Light's lab and stole the blueprints for X, which was used to create Zero, who at some point became a good guy and eventually got his OWN spinoff series. There are evil robots called Mavericks running around, and X must destroy them for the good of humanity and robot-kind, or something like that. The Mavericks, to my chagrin, are basically what the Robot Masters were: boss characters. IMNSHO, nothing could EVER stand up to the Robot Masters. I mean, what kind of evil robot would be a freakin' PENGUIN? Whereas, Cut Man has a pair of scissors on his head. I rest my case. In addition, a baldy named Sigma replaces Dr. Wily as the evil final boss. I don't have much to say on that, though. And then there's... um... I forgot her name. But she gives you information that you already know/don't need to know. She's basically Omochao, only you can't pick her up and throw her at enemies to destroy them. Also, Rush is gone, and the Rush Suit with it. In conclusion, the X series sucks. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play Mario Kart Wii.

UPDATE! After reading a commentary for a Bob and G-you know what, just follow the link after this sentence(s): I was wrong about Bass. He did NOT steal the X blueprints. Check it out.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - October 11th, 2008

Hey, it's my first post! Cool! ... So, I guess I'll just talk about...um...DREAMS! Yeah, dreams. I tell ya, I've had some pretty crazy dreams. I'm sure we all have heard of homestarrunner.com. I f you haven't, click on the link. Go on, I'll just wait here. Doot-doot-doot-doo... Ah, you're back! I'm sure you have the general idea. If you havent, check out the Homestar Runner Wiki. Back again? Good. well, one time, I had a dream that the McDonald's Happy Meal toys were, you guessed it, Homestar Runner. Then there was the one where all the TV channels had The Simpsons/Family Guy on at the same time. Yes, even PBS! (I only have local TV at home.) There were also dreams that were like two in one. I like to call these "two-parters." The most recent one involved me getting banned from a Facebook-ish website by the admins. The weird part: I didn't have an account there! The second half involved a boy my age whom I crossed paths with several times. He called my mom a whore! And so I got into fights with him. BUT, the FIRST two-parter I had was SO SCARY to me (I was a little buy then), It caused me to be afraid of the Statue of Liberty for YEARS!!! First part: I was watching a special on TV about the history of Lady Liberty. Two soldiers decided to make her. But in place of the one arm holding the torch was a sword. Not only that, but the SoL was ALIVE!!! Second part: I was eating breakfast at my grandma's house and watching TV. On TV, Minnie Mouse was dressed as the Statue, when the REAL Statue butted her of the screen. The real Statue then stepped out of the TV and then tried to GET me! I somehow jumped onto the counter to escape but it was too late... I'll bet you've had some pretty crazy dreams yourself! I hope you enjoyed reading about mine. This is KirbyfanNeox, signing off.