View Profile KirbyfanNeox
Kirbyfan [k3r.bi.fæn] n., fan of Kirby, from the English "Kirby fan"

Age 30, Male


a high school


Joined on 10/4/08

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KirbyfanNeox's News

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - November 27th, 2010


Posted by KirbyfanNeox - September 17th, 2010

1. Today is Constitution Day. On this day in 1787, the United States Constitution was signed in Philadelphia.
2. Monday, the 13th, was Mario's 25th anniversary. "Super Mario Bros." was released in Japan for the Famicom on September 13, 1985.
3. Fred: the Movie will premiere tomorrow on Nickelodeon at 8:00/7:00 PM Central Time Zone.

Okay, FOUR things.
4. I was looking up the specifics regarding Constitution Day on Wikipedia (i.e., was it ratified or signed today?), I found out that the Battle of Thermopylae began on this day in 480 BC. The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between a large army of Persians and a smaller army of Greeks, including 300 Spartans led by their king, Leonidas...

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - August 16th, 2010

And I STILL have yet to go to the pool and water park!
My last day of freedom, and I'm starting it by wasting time on the computer.
So yeah, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World looks good.

I go back to school tomorrow.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - July 26th, 2010

Street Fighter X Tekken

/* */

/* */

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - July 18th, 2010

That is all.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - July 10th, 2010

Sweet 16. WHOO! This is so AWESOME! I can get a driver's license, and, and...
Wait... my birthday's tomorrow.

It's my birthday!

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - July 2nd, 2010

is one of the few times here in America where explosives can be used without the fear of it being terrorism. No, I'm not talking about Mythbusters. I'm talking about Independence Day. No, not the movie, "Independence Day." The Fourth of July Independance Day. I know I already made a post on Independance Day.
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It's supposed to spell out "happy birthday america," but whatever.

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - April 30th, 2010

This is like the first Pico Day I've celebrated as an actual Newgroundser.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Pico...
Haaapy birthday to-
*a splodes*

Posted by KirbyfanNeox - April 1st, 2010

This is the best April Fool's joke I've ever seen. For posterity, here's an image showing the effects:


Posted by KirbyfanNeox - February 14th, 2010

( l )( l )______
(/ /
/l______(/ / __
l \ \_/ / l/
l \___/ l\__
l l
l__ l__
That's supposed to be a Yoshi.